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Subject [November, 29 2006] KOREA BRAND CONFERENCE 2006


International Conference on

Strategic Innovation and Creativity in Brand & Design Management


- Organized by: IPS, Design Management Institute, Design and Brand Management Society

- Sponsored by: MOCIE

- Supported by: DAUM communication, KT, Shianhan Bank, EXR Korea


1. Date: November 29, 2006


2. Venue: aSSIST

3. Special Lectures, case studies and research reports about Brand and Design Management

4. Brand Award Ceremony

- The 8th Annual Korea Brand Award Ceremony 2006   

- Brand Academy: Brand Manager of Excellence Award            

- Brand Olympics: Award ceremony for best business & product brand found in results of the IPS Corporate Brand Valuation Asset


5. Registrations

- 100,000 won (register until Nov. 28, PM 6:00)

- 150,000 won (register after Nov. 29, PM 6:00)


6. Contact Us

For more information, please contact:

International Conference Secretary

Hwa-Jin Lee, Researcher, IPS

Phone: 82+2+360+0785

Fax: 82+2+456+2044

E-mail: hjlee@ips.or.kr