Seminar & Conferences
CEOs declaration of commitment towards ethics management-Dedicated to enhancing corporate sustainability through establishment of ethical corporate culture.
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The B.E.S.T Forum aims to firmly establish a culture of ethical business practice through the campaign in order to enhance the sustainability of Korean firms.

The CEO's commitment and role are essential in realizing ethics management, and accordingly, IPS holds the B.E.S.T Forum - CEO Pledging Ceremony on its annual anniversary to reaffirm the need for CEOs to demonstrate ethical leadership and for companies to fulfill their social responsibilities.

At the 2006 Pledging Ceremony, which was first launched in 2004, 61 people including CEOs of domestic firms as well as representatives from the government, academia, and civic groups pledged to expand ethics management through the B.E.S.T Forum Mission Statement - . More CEOs will respond aggressively to the strengthened global demand for corporate social responsibility and will proclaim their commitment to fulfill their social responsibilities.